Demonstration of how Invisalign can be used for tooth repositioning


Dental composites are a blend of tooth coloured resin and fillers, designed to seamlessly integrate with your natural teeth.
This making them an ideal choice for various dental procedures. Whether addressing cavities or enhancing your smile's aesthetics, composites offer a versatile and natural-looking solution.
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Treatment Walkthrough

1. Preparation & Bonding

The dentist begins by numbing the tooth area, removes decay, and applies a bonding agent to enhance adhesion.

2. Layering & Shaping

Composite material is applied in layers, each cured individually. The dentist sculpts the layers for precise shaping and a natural contour.

3. Final Touch – Polishing

The filled tooth undergoes a final polishing, ensuring a smooth surface for an aesthetically pleasing and comfortable restoration.


1. Aesthetic Appeal

White fillings are crafted to match the natural colour of your teeth, providing a seamless and aesthetically pleasing result. This ensures that the restored tooth blends effortlessly with the rest of your smile.

2. Tooth Preservation

Unlike traditional metal fillings, the composite material bonds directly to the tooth structure. This bonding helps in preserving more of the natural tooth, contributing to its strength and longevity.

3. Versatility and Durability

Composite fillings are versatile and can be used for various tooth repairs, from small cavities to more extensive damage. The material is durable, offering long-lasting results and effectively withstanding the pressures of daily chewing and biting.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do composites differ from traditional amalgam fillings?

Composites, made of a tooth-colored resin, blend seamlessly with your natural teeth. Unlike amalgam fillings, they're virtually invisible, offering both durability and aesthetics.

Is the composite filling process painful?

Not at all! Before the procedure, we ensure the area is numb for a pain-free experience. You may experience some sensitivity post-treatment, but it's usually brief and manageable.

How long do composite fillings last?

With proper care, composite fillings can last for many years. Regular dental check-ups and good oral hygiene practices contribute to their longevity.

Can composites be used for front teeth?

Absolutely! Composites are an excellent choice for front teeth due to their natural appearance. They can effectively restore the beauty and function of your smile.
A dentist showing the teeth whitening treatment

Teeth Whitening

Tooth whitening, or tooth bleaching, is a process that lightens the colour of human teeth, often sought after when teeth become yellow over time. This procedure involves using a safe whitening system with gels to effectively lighten teeth. The focus is on addressing intrinsic stains caused by factors like ageing, which regular cleaning methods may not remove.
Get in Touch to Book an Appointment

Treatment Walkthrough

1. Initial Consultation

We start by understanding your dental history and your whitening expectations through a thorough consultation, ensuring a customised approach.

2. Preparation

Once approved, your teeth undergo a precise cleaning to remove surface stains. Protective measures are in place before applying the whitening gel with accuracy.

3. Activation

Activate the whitening gel using a specialized light or laser, enhancing the process. Multiple sessions may be needed for your desired level of whitening.


1. Aesthetic Enhancement

Tooth whitening, utilising safe bleaching agents, enhances the overall appearance of teeth, effectively reducing yellowing and discoloration.

2. Non-Invasive Treatment

This procedure offers a non-invasive solution to address intrinsic stains, ensuring an efficient and minimally disruptive approach to improving tooth colour.

3. Supervised Professional Care

Conducted under professional supervision, tooth whitening guarantees a safe and controlled environment, prioritising both patient safety and optimal results.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Does Teeth Whitening Take?

The duration of teeth whitening varies based on individual factors. Typically, each session lasts around 30 to 60 minutes. The total number of sessions required to achieve your desired shade depends on factors like the initial tooth color and your whitening goals. During your consultation, we'll provide a personalized estimate to give you a clear idea of the process duration.

Is teeth whitening safe for my teeth?

Yes, tooth whitening is a safe procedure when performed under professional supervision. Our approach utilises proven methods and safe bleaching agents, ensuring the health and integrity of your teeth throughout the process.

Can Teeth Whitening Help with Deep Stains or Discoloration?

Yes, professional teeth whitening can effectively address deep stains and discoloration. Unlike over-the-counter products, our procedures use advanced whitening agents that penetrate deep into the enamel, breaking down stubborn stains. Our experienced team tailors the treatment to your specific needs, ensuring a brighter and more radiant smile.
Demonstration of how Invisalign can be used for tooth repositioning


Invisalign, an advanced orthodontic solution, utilises transparent aligners to achieve inconspicuous teeth correction. Following a comprehensive assessment, bespoke aligners facilitate precise tooth repositioning. The removable and discrete nature of Invisalign ensures a comfortable treatment experience.
Get in Touch to Book an Appointment

Treatment Walkthrough

1. Initial Consultation

Comprehensive examination and discussion of treatment goals. Digital scans, X-rays, and photographs capture detailed images of the teeth.

2. Custom Treatment Plan

Cutting-edge technology creates a 3D model of your teeth. Clinicians meticulously plan the step-by-step movement of each tooth.

3. Aligner Fabrication

Customised aligners are crafted from transparent, comfortable materials.Patients receive multiple sets of aligners, progressing through the treatment plan.

4. Wear & Replace

Wear each set of aligners for about a week, allowing teeth to gradually shift. Regular check-ups monitor progress, with adjustments made as needed. Upon completion, a retainer may be recommended to maintain alignment. Enjoy your transformed, beautifully aligned smile.


1. Invisibility and Aesthetics

Clear aligners are nearly invisible, allowing for discreet orthodontic treatment. Patients can confidently smile and engage in social situations without the visibility of traditional braces.

2. Comfort and Convenience

Smooth, custom-made aligners reduce irritation and discomfort compared to traditional braces. Removable aligners facilitate easy cleaning, eating, and maintenance of oral hygiene.

3. Predictable Results and Treatment Planning

Advanced 3D technology ensures precise treatment planning. Patients receive a clear understanding of the expected results before commencing treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a discreet teeth straightening system using clear aligners instead of traditional braces, achieving results within 3-6 months. The nearly invisible aligners offer a subtle solution for a confident smile.

How does Invisalign work?

During a comprehensive consultation, our clinician assesses your smile and creates a personalised plan. Clear aligners, generated using advanced scanning technology, gradually shift teeth to the desired positions. Each set is worn for a week, progressing towards the final, beautifully aligned smile.

How long do I wear Invisalign each day?

Wearing aligners for 22 hours daily is recommended. While removable for eating and teeth brushing, leaving them in for the majority of the day ensures effective treatment. Water is the only acceptable beverage while wearing aligners.


Dental composites are a blend of tooth coloured resin and fillers, designed to seamlessly integrate with your natural teeth.
This making them an ideal choice for various dental procedures. Whether addressing cavities or enhancing your smile's aesthetics, composites offer a versatile and natural-looking solution.

A dentist demonstrating how composites are added

Treatment Walkthrough

1. Preparation & Bonding

The clinician begins by numbing the tooth area, removes decay, and applies a bonding agent to enhance adhesion.

2. Layering & Shaping

Composite material is applied in layers, each cured individually. The clinician sculpts the layers for precise shaping and a natural contour.

3. Final Touch – Polishing

The filled tooth undergoes a final polishing, ensuring a smooth surface for an aesthetically pleasing and comfortable restoration.


1. Aesthetic Appeal

White fillings are crafted to match the natural colour of your teeth, providing a seamless and aesthetically pleasing result. This ensures that the restored tooth blends effortlessly with the rest of your smile.

2. Tooth Preservation

Unlike traditional metal fillings, the composite material bonds directly to the tooth structure. This bonding helps in preserving more of the natural tooth, contributing to its strength and longevity.

3. Versatility and Durability

Composite fillings are versatile and can be used for various tooth repairs, from small cavities to more extensive damage. The material is durable, offering long-lasting results and effectively withstanding the pressures of daily chewing and biting.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do composites differ from traditional amalgam fillings?

Composites, made of a tooth-colored resin, blend seamlessly with your natural teeth. Unlike amalgam fillings, they're virtually invisible, offering both durability and aesthetics.

Is the composite filling process painful?

Not at all! Before the procedure, we ensure the area is numb for a pain-free experience. This is because we offer a IV sedation service.
Read more about it here.
You may experience some sensitivity post-treatment, but it's usually brief and manageable.

How long do composite fillings last?

With proper care, composite fillings can last for many years. Regular dental check-ups and good oral hygiene practices contribute to their longevity.

Can composites be used for front teeth?

Absolutely! Composites are an excellent choice for front teeth due to their natural appearance. They can effectively restore the beauty and function of your smile.

Teeth Whitening

Tooth whitening, or tooth bleaching, is a process that lightens the colour of human teeth, often sought after when teeth become yellow over time. This procedure involves using a safe whitening system with gels to effectively lighten teeth. The focus is on addressing intrinsic stains caused by factors like ageing, which regular cleaning methods may not remove.
A dentist showing the teeth whitening treatment

Treatment Walkthrough

1. Initial Consultation

We start by understanding your dental history and your whitening expectations through a thorough consultation, ensuring a customised approach.

2. Impression Taking & Preparations

In order to apply the teeth whitening gel, we need to create a custom made silicon based mold of your tooth so that the gel can be placed inside of this without having to worry about it affecting other parts of your mouth.
We will take an impression of your teeth to do this. This is a really quick 3-5 minute process, while the creation of the mold takes a couple of weeks.

3. Home Whitening

Once the mold is created, we will give you all the tools you need to do the procedure from the comfort of your own home. It's really simple, and our expert clinicians will teach you step by step how to use the gels and the mold so you feel confident to whiten your teeth.


1. Aesthetic Enhancement

Tooth whitening, utilising safe whitening agents, enhances the overall appearance of teeth, effectively reducing yellowing and discoloration.

2. Non-Invasive Treatment

This procedure offers a non-invasive solution to address intrinsic stains, ensuring an efficient and minimally disruptive approach to improving tooth colour.

3. Supervised Professional Care

Conducted under professional supervision, tooth whitening guarantees a safe and controlled environment, prioritising both patient safety and optimal results.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Does Teeth Whitening Take?

Teeth whitening usually takes a minimum of 2 weeks of overnight treatment. This way, your usual day to day activities won't be disrupted.

Is teeth whitening safe for my teeth?

Yes, tooth whitening is a safe procedure when performed under professional supervision. Our approach utilises proven methods and safe whitening agents, ensuring the health and integrity of your teeth throughout the process.

Can Teeth Whitening Help with Deep Stains or Discoloration?

Yes, professional teeth whitening can effectively address deep stains and discoloration. Unlike over-the-counter products, our procedures use advanced whitening agents that penetrate deep into the enamel, breaking down stubborn stains. Our experienced team tailors the treatment to your specific needs, ensuring a brighter and more radiant smile.


Invisalign, an advanced orthodontic solution, utilises transparent aligners to achieve inconspicuous teeth correction. Following a comprehensive assessment, bespoke aligners facilitate precise tooth repositioning. The removable and discrete nature of Invisalign ensures a comfortable treatment experience.
Demonstration of how Invisalign can be used for tooth repositioning

Treatment Walkthrough

1. Initial Consultation

Comprehensive examination and discussion of your treatment goals. Digital scans, X-rays, and photographs capture detailed images of your teeth.

2. Custom Treatment Plan

Our team will use cutting-edge technology to create a 3D model of your teeth. Clinicians meticulously plan the step-by-step movement of each tooth.

3. Aligner Fabrication

Customised aligners are crafted from transparent, comfortable materials. You will receive multiple sets of aligners, progressing through your treatment plan.

4. Wear & Replace

Wear each set of aligners for about a week, allowing teeth to gradually shift. Regular check-ups monitor progress, with adjustments made as needed. Upon completion, a retainer may be recommended to maintain alignment. Enjoy your transformed, beautifully aligned smile.


1. Invisibility and Aesthetics

Clear aligners are nearly invisible, allowing for discreet orthodontic treatment. You can confidently smile and engage in social situations without the visibility of traditional braces.

2. Comfort and Convenience

Smooth, custom-made aligners reduce irritation and discomfort compared to traditional braces. Removable aligners facilitate easy cleaning, eating, and maintenance of oral hygiene.

3. Predictable Results and Treatment Planning

Advanced 3D technology ensures precise treatment planning. You will have a clear understanding of the expected results before starting your treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a discreet teeth straightening system using clear aligners instead of traditional braces, achieving results within 3-6 months. The nearly invisible aligners offer a subtle solution for a confident smile.

How does Invisalign work?

During a comprehensive consultation, our clinician assesses your smile and creates a personalised plan. Clear aligners, generated using advanced scanning technology, gradually shift teeth to the desired positions. Each set is worn for a week, progressing towards the final, beautifully aligned smile.

How long do I wear Invisalign each day?

Wearing aligners for 22 hours daily is recommended. While removable for eating and teeth brushing, leaving them in for the majority of the day ensures effective treatment. We recommend only drinking water while wearing aligners.