A physical model of how implants sit inside the gums

Dental Implants

Dental implants provide a durable and natural solution for missing teeth. Expertly inserted, these posts seamlessly integrate with your mouth, creating a stable foundation for artificial teeth. This versatile option restores both function and aesthetics, enhancing your smile. Whether for a single tooth or multiple replacements, dental implants stand out as a reliable and long-lasting choice, promoting oral health and confidence.
Get in Touch to Book an Appointment

Treatment Walkthrough

Dental Implants typically follow these 4 steps:

1. Consultation & Planning

The process begins with a thorough consultation where your dentist assesses your oral health and discusses the best course of action. X-rays and scans help in planning the precise placement of the implant.

2. Implant Placement

Once the plan is in place, the dental implant, a small titanium post, is surgically placed into the jawbone beneath the gum. While this might sound complex, the procedure is routine and carried out with local anaesthesia to ensure your comfort.

3. Osseointegration

After implant placement, a crucial phase follows – osseointegration. This is when the implant fuses with the jawbone, creating a strong foundation. This healing process typically takes a few months, during which you can continue with your daily activities without major disruption.

4. Abutement & Crown Placement

Once the implant has integrated with the jawbone, an abutment is attached. This acts as a connector between the implant and the artificial tooth. Finally, a custom-made crown, crafted to match your natural teeth, is placed onto the abutment. This completes the restoration, leaving you with a functional and aesthetically pleasing Tooth.


1. Preservation of Adjacent Teeth: 

Dental implants don't rely on adjacent teeth for support, unlike bridges, which may require the alteration of neighbouring healthy teeth. This helps to preserve the natural structure of adjacent teeth.

2. Bone Health Maintenance

Implants integrate with the jawbone, stimulating it and preventing bone loss. Bridges, on the other hand, don't address bone health, and the lack of stimulation can lead to gradual bone resorption.

3. Durability and Longevity:

Dental implants are known for their durability and longevity. With proper care, implants can last a lifetime, offering a more permanent solution than dental bridges, which may require replacement over time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are dental implants painful?

Dental implant procedures are designed to be as comfortable as possible. Before the surgery, the dentist administers local anaesthesia to numb the treatment area, ensuring patients don't feel pain during the procedure. Afterward, patients may experience mild discomfort or swelling, which can be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers. The overall goal is to make the patient's experience as pain-free as possible.

How long does a dental implant procedure take?

The duration of the dental implant procedure varies depending on several factors, including the number of implants and any necessary preparatory treatments. On average, the initial implant placement surgery takes a few hours. Following this, a healing period, known as osseointegration, is necessary. This can take several weeks to a few months, during which the implant fuses with the jawbone. Once the implant has integrated successfully, the final crown or restoration is attached, completing the process.

What is the success rate of dental implants?

Dental implants have a high success rate, typically ranging from 90-95%. Success depends on various factors, including the patient's overall health, oral hygiene practices, and adherence to post-surgery care instructions. Regular check-ups with the dentist are essential for monitoring the implant's health and addressing any issues promptly.

Can you tell if you have had a dental implant?

No. The dental implant itself is not visible as it is surgically placed beneath the gumline. The visible part is the custom-made crown, which is attached to the implant and designed to match the colour and shape of the surrounding natural teeth. The goal is to create a restoration that seamlessly blends in with the patient's smile, making the implant virtually indistinguishable from natural teeth.

Can you tell if you have had a dental implant?

Caring for dental implants is similar to caring for natural teeth. Regular brushing and flossing are crucial to maintain good oral hygiene and prevent gum disease. Using a soft-bristle toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste helps protect the implant and surrounding tissues. Routine dental check-ups are also essential for professional cleanings and to address any potential issues early on.
Dr. Roshnali explaining the dental crown procedure

Dental Crowns

A dental crown, essentially a tooth-shaped cap, provides durable restoration for significantly decayed teeth where conventional fillings may be insufficient. Crafted from either metal or porcelain, this procedure ensures strength and longevity. When decay compromises tooth integrity, a dental crown becomes a robust solution, offering both functional and aesthetic benefits. 
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Treatment Walkthrough

1. Evaluation

We begin with a thorough assessment to understand the extent of damage and decide if a dental crown is the right solution.

2. Tooth Preparation

Gently shaping the tooth provides a suitable foundation for the crown, ensuring a precise fit and natural appearance.

3. Impression and Temporary Crown

Impressions are taken to guide the crafting of a custom crown. Meanwhile, a temporary crown safeguards the prepared tooth.

4. Final Placement and Adjustment

Once the permanent crown is ready, we replace the temporary one. Meticulous placement and adjustments ensure a secure fit, natural bite, and long-lasting results.


1. Enhanced Strength and Durability

Dental crowns provide exceptional strength and durability, protecting weakened or damaged teeth from further deterioration. This benefit ensures the longevity of the restoration, offering lasting support to the treated tooth.

2. Natural Aesthetics

The ability of dental crowns to mimic the natural appearance of teeth is a significant advantage. This ensures a seamless integration with your smile, enhancing your overall aesthetic appeal and boosting your confidence.

3. Restoration of Tooth Functionality

Dental crowns effectively restore the functionality of a damaged tooth. By encasing and reinforcing the tooth structure, crowns enable normal biting, chewing, and speaking, allowing you to engage in daily activities with confidence.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Dental Crown?

A dental crown serves as a protective cover for your teeth, offering support and safeguarding against wear. These tooth-shaped caps act as reliable guardians, especially for teeth in need of reinforcement.

Why Do I Need a Dental Crown?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Do I need a root canal before a dental crown?

If your tooth is dealing with significant decay, damage, or weakness, a dental crown might be the solution. It acts like a protective shield, restoring both strength and natural beauty to your tooth. During our detailed evaluation, we can discuss whether a dental crown is the right fit for your specific dental needs. Your dental health is our priority, and we're here to guide you through the best options.
Dr. Roshnali showing a patients tooth structure and explaining how dental bridges can be used

Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are reliable solutions for replacing missing teeth, offering both aesthetic and functional benefits. Custom-made to match natural teeth, bridges consist of artificial teeth anchored to adjacent natural teeth or dental implants. This fixed restoration restores your smile, supports proper dental alignment, and enhances oral function. With proper care and maintenance, dental bridges provide a durable and long-lasting solution for a complete, confident smile.
Get in Touch to Book an Appointment

Treatment Walkthrough

1. Initial Assessment

Your journey to a restored smile begins with a comprehensive assessment by our skilled dentist. We examine your oral health, including the condition of surrounding teeth and gums. If you have missing teeth and are a suitable candidate, a dental bridge might be recommended.

2. Preparation of Abutment Teeth

The next step involves preparing the abutment teeth, which are the adjacent teeth on either side of the gap. These teeth will support the dental bridge. To create space for the bridge, a small amount of enamel is gently removed from these teeth. Impressions are then taken to ensure a precise fit.

3. Custom Bridge Fabrication

With the impressions, a custom dental bridge is meticulously crafted to match the shape, size, and color of your natural teeth. This process is performed by skilled technicians in a dental laboratory. Meanwhile, temporary bridges may be provided to maintain aesthetics and function.

4. Bridge Placement and Finalization

Once your custom bridge is ready, you return for the final placement. The bridge is carefully fitted and adjusted for optimal comfort and function. Our dentist ensures a secure and precise attachment, creating a seamless restoration. With the bridge in place, you can enjoy improved aesthetics, restored functionality, and enhanced confidence in your smile.


1. Non Invasive Option

Dental bridges offer a non-invasive solution for replacing missing teeth. Unlike dental implants, they don't require surgical procedures involving the jawbone. This can be appealing for individuals seeking a less invasive treatment option.

2. Faster Treatment Completion

The process of getting dental bridges is often quicker compared to dental implants, which may involve multiple stages and healing periods. If time is a critical factor, bridges may be a more expedient option.

3. Suitability for Certain Cases

In situations where the adjacent teeth on either side of the gap require crowns or restoration, a dental bridge can be a suitable and integrated solution. It provides a comprehensive treatment approach for specific dental conditions.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Do Dental Bridges Last?

Dental bridges are designed to stand the test of time, usually lasting between 5 to 15 years. Think of them as reliable companions for your smile journey. With your commitment to regular dental check-ups and a little extra care, you can extend the lifespan of your bridge, ensuring years of confident smiles.

Is Getting a Dental Bridge Painful?

The process of getting a dental bridge is virtually painless. We use local anaesthesia to make sure you're completely comfortable during the procedure. Any post-procedure discomfort is typically short-lived, and we're here to guide you through a smooth and pain-free experience.

How Do I Care for My Dental Bridge?

Caring for your dental bridge is simpler than you might think! Just stick to your usual oral care routine—regular brushing, flossing, and a swish of mouthwash. We'll provide some handy tools to keep the nooks and crannies clean.
A model of a patients dentures


Dentures, also known as false teeth, are personalised removable dental appliances made from materials like acrylic (plastic), nylon, or metal. Crafted to fit comfortably over your gums, dentures offer a cosy and effective solution for replacing missing teeth. By eliminating gaps, dentures contribute to improved oral function and help prevent potential issues associated with tooth loss.
Get in Touch to Book an Appointment

Treatment Walkthrough

1. Consultation & Design

Our journey begins with a personalized consultation where we discuss your unique needs and preferences. Together, we create a tailored design for your dentures, ensuring they match your facial features and complement your natural smile.

2. Impressions and Crafting 

Next, we take detailed impressions of your gums and remaining teeth. These impressions serve as the foundation for crafting your dentures. Our skilled dental team uses high-quality materials, such as acrylic or metal, to create comfortable and lifelike dentures that suit your individual requirements.

3. Fitting and Adjustments 

Once your dentures are ready, we schedule a fitting appointment. During this visit, we carefully adjust the fit to ensure optimal comfort and functionality. We also provide guidance on proper care and maintenance to keep your dentures looking and feeling great.


1. Restored Functionality

Dentures play a crucial role in restoring your ability to bite, chew, and speak comfortably. By replacing missing teeth, dentures ensure that you can enjoy a diverse range of foods and communicate with confidence, enhancing your overall quality of life.

2. Improved Aesthetics

Beyond functional benefits, dentures contribute to a natural and aesthetically pleasing appearance. Custom-designed to complement your facial features, dentures can help fill out your facial contours and provide you with a beautiful, confident smile.

3. Prevention of Oral Issues

Gaps caused by missing teeth can lead to various oral health problems, including shifting of remaining teeth and an increased risk of gum disease. Dentures help prevent these issues by filling the empty spaces, promoting better oral health and maintaining the alignment of your teeth.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Dentures?

Dentures are removable dental appliances designed to replace missing teeth. They come in various types, such as full and partial dentures, and are custom-made to fit comfortably in your mouth, restoring both function and appearance.

What are Dentures made of?

Dentures are typically made of acrylic (plastic), nylon, or metal. These materials provide durability and a natural look. The base, resembling gum tissue, supports the artificial teeth and ensures a secure fit.

What are implant-supported Dentures?

Implant-supported dentures are a more secure alternative to traditional dentures. Dental implants, surgically placed in the jawbone, anchor the dentures, offering increased stability and preventing slipping or shifting. This option provides enhanced comfort and confidence during daily activities.
Dentist performing operation

Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment is an essential dental procedure. When a tooth is infected or damaged, this treatment intervenes to save it. Your dentist adeptly removes the affected areas, cleanses, and seals the tooth, ensuring its health. It's a dependable solution to alleviate pain, preserve your natural tooth, and restore your smile's well-being.
Get in Touch to Book an Appointment

Treatment Walkthrough

Root Canal Treatment is a proven method to save your compromised teeth. While the process may sound intricate and daunting, our experienced dentists ensure a comfortable and effective procedure, prioritising your well-being throughout. 
The process typically involves the following steps:

1. Diagnosis and Preparation

The journey begins with a comprehensive examination by your dentist. Through X-rays and clinical evaluation, they identify the extent of the damage or infection. Once confirmed, the dentist administers local anaesthesia to ensure a pain-free experience.

2. Pulp Removal and Cleaning

Now that the anaesthesia has kicked in, the dentist can carefully access the tooth's pulp chamber – the inner part housing nerves and blood vessels - without you feeling any pain or discomfort. The infected or damaged pulp is then skillfully removed.

3. Canal Disinfection and Sealing

After pulp removal, the canals within the tooth are meticulously cleaned and disinfected to eradicate any remaining bacteria. After cleaning, the dentist fills the emptied canals with a special material, usually a rubber-like substance called gutta-percha. This material acts like a protective seal, ensuring that the treated tooth remains secure and shielded from any potential issues in the future.

4. Restoration

To complete the procedure, the tooth undergoes restoration. This often involves placing a crown on the treated tooth. The crown not only reinforces the tooth's strength but also restores its natural appearance, ensuring a seamless blend with your existing teeth and a beautiful smile.


1. Immediate Relief

Root Canal Treatment effectively alleviates severe tooth pain resulting from infections, providing prompt and lasting relief. By removing the infected pulp inside the tooth, the procedure addresses the source of pain, allowing patients to experience immediate comfort.

2. Natural Appearance

Preserving the natural tooth structure is a key benefit of Root Canal Treatment. Unlike extraction, this procedure allows the tooth to remain intact, maintaining a more natural appearance and function. Restorative options such as crowns can be applied after the treatment to further enhance the tooth's appearance and strength.

3. Prevents Spread of Infection

Root Canal Treatment helps prevent the spread of infection to neighbouring teeth and surrounding areas. By thoroughly cleaning and sealing the canals, the procedure stops the progression of the infection, contributing to overall oral health. This preventive aspect is crucial in avoiding further complications and maintaining a healthy smile.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need Root Cana Treatment?

If you're dealing with intense tooth pain, heightened sensitivity, or notice swelling in your gums, Root Canal Treatment could be the solution. It's like giving your tooth a makeover! Your dentist will carefully evaluate your symptoms, conduct some tests, and if needed, recommend this treatment to restore your dental peace. Don't hesitate to reach out for a chat with us if you are considering Root Canal Treatment or if you are experiencing any of the above symptoms. We would love to hear from you!

How long does a Root Canal Treatment procedure last?

Root Canal Treatment is efficient and swift! Typically lasting between 90 minutes to 2 hours, the duration depends on factors like the tooth's complexity. Your dentist will work diligently to ensure a timely and effective procedure, minimising your time in the chair. Don't hesitate to inquire with us for personalised insights based on your individual circumstances.

Is Root Canal Treatment painful?

Not at all! Advanced anaesthetics ensure you won't feel pain during the procedure. You might experience some discomfort post-treatment, but it's manageable with over-the-counter pain relievers. Your dentist will guide you on how to ease any temporary discomfort. Rest assured, the goal is to alleviate pain caused by infection, not induce it. Your comfort is a priority throughout the entire process.

If RCT fails, what will happen?

While it's understandable to have concerns about root canal treatment failures, it's important to note that the procedure has very high success rates. In the rare instance of a complication, such as persistent infection or discomfort, your dentist will thoroughly assess the situation. There are effective solutions available, including retreatment or, in some cases, a minor surgical procedure. It's crucial to remember that these situations are uncommon, and your dentist is committed to ensuring your dental health with the most appropriate and successful interventions.

Dental Implants

Dental implants provide a durable and natural solution for missing teeth. Expertly inserted, these posts seamlessly integrate with your mouth, creating a stable foundation for artificial teeth. This versatile option restores both function and aesthetics, enhancing your smile. Whether for a single tooth or multiple replacements, dental implants stand out as a reliable and long-lasting choice, promoting oral health and confidence.
A physical model of how implants sit inside the gums

Treatment Walkthrough

Dental Implants typically follow these 4 steps:

1. Consultation & Planning

The process begins with a thorough consultation where we will assess your oral health and discusses the best course of action. X-rays and scans help in planning the precise placement of the implant.

2. Implant Placement

Once the plan is in place, the dental implant, a small titanium post, is strategically placed beneath your gum. While this might sound complex, the procedure is routine and carried out under Local Anaesthetic or IV Sedation if you need it to ensure your comfort.

3. Osseointegration

After implant placement, a crucial phase follows – osseointegration. This is when the implant fuses with the jawbone, creating a strong foundation. This healing process typically takes a few months, during which you can continue with your daily activities without major disruption.

4. Tooth Placement

Once the implant has integrated with your jaw bone, we take a 3D scan of the area. This scan is sent to our colleagues at the laboratory who make a bespoke tooth to fit your space. This is then painlessly fitted to your dental implant.


1. Preservation of Adjacent Teeth: 

Dental implants don't rely on adjacent teeth for support, unlike bridges, which may require the alteration of neighbouring healthy teeth. This helps to preserve the natural structure of adjacent teeth.

2. Bone Health Maintenance

Implants integrate with the jawbone, stimulating it and preventing bone loss. Bridges, on the other hand, don't address bone health, and the lack of stimulation can lead to gradual bone resorption.

3. Durability and Longevity:

Dental implants are known for their durability and longevity. With proper care, implants can last a lifetime, offering a more permanent solution than dental bridges, which may require replacement over time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are dental implants painful?

Dental implant procedures are designed to be as comfortable as possible. Before the surgery, the dentist administers local anaesthesia or IV Sedation if needed to numb the treatment area, ensuring patients don't feel pain during the procedure.
Afterward, patients may experience mild discomfort or swelling, which can be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers. The overall goal is to make the patient's experience as pain-free as possible.

How long does a dental implant procedure take?

The Dental Implant procedure only takes 45 minutes, however with the healing times and the final tooth fitting, it can sometimes take up to 4 months.

What is the success rate of dental implants?

Dental implants have a high success rate, typically ranging from 90-95%. Success depends on various factors, including the patient's overall health, oral hygiene practices, and adherence to post-surgery care instructions. Regular check-ups with the dentist are essential for monitoring the implant's health and addressing any issues promptly.

Can you tell if you have had a dental implant?

No. The dental implant itself is not visible as it is surgically placed beneath the gumline. The visible part is the custom-made crown, which is attached to the implant and designed to match the colour and shape of the surrounding natural teeth. The goal is to create a restoration that seamlessly blends in with the patient's smile, making the implant virtually indistinguishable from natural teeth.

Dental Crowns

A dental crown, essentially a tooth-shaped cap, provides durable restoration for significantly decayed teeth where conventional fillings may be insufficient. Crafted from either metal or porcelain, this procedure ensures strength and longevity. When decay compromises tooth integrity, a dental crown becomes a robust solution, offering both functional and aesthetic benefits. 
Dr. Roshnali explaining the dental crown procedure

Treatment Walkthrough

1. Evaluation

We begin with a thorough assessment to understand the extent of damage and decide if a dental crown is the right solution.

2. Tooth Preparation

Gently shaping the tooth provides a suitable foundation for the crown, ensuring a precise fit and natural appearance.

3. Impression and Temporary Crown

Impressions are taken to guide the crafting of a custom crown. Meanwhile, a temporary crown safeguards the prepared tooth.

4. Final Placement and Adjustment

Once the permanent crown is ready, we replace the temporary one. Meticulous placement and adjustments ensure a secure fit, natural bite, and long-lasting results.


1. Enhanced Strength and Durability

Dental crowns provide exceptional strength and durability, protecting weakened or damaged teeth from further deterioration. This benefit ensures the longevity of the restoration, offering lasting support to the treated tooth.

2. Natural Aesthetics

The ability of dental crowns to mimic the natural appearance of teeth is a significant advantage. This ensures a seamless integration with your smile, enhancing your overall aesthetic appeal and boosting your confidence.

3. Restoration of Tooth Functionality

Dental crowns effectively restore the functionality of a damaged tooth. By encasing and reinforcing the tooth structure, crowns enable normal biting, chewing, and speaking, allowing you to engage in daily activities with confidence.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Dental Crown?

A dental crown serves as a protective cover for your teeth, offering support and safeguarding against wear. These tooth-shaped caps act as reliable guardians, especially for teeth in need of reinforcement.

Why Do I Need a Dental Crown?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Do I need a root canal before a dental crown?

No. Most people who have Root Canal Treatment choose to have a dental crown fitted afterwards, however a Root Canal is not necessary for a dental crown.

Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are reliable solutions for replacing missing teeth, offering both aesthetic and functional benefits. Custom-made to match natural teeth, bridges consist of artificial teeth anchored to adjacent natural teeth or dental implants. This fixed restoration restores your smile, supports proper dental alignment, and enhances oral function. With proper care and maintenance, dental bridges provide a durable and long-lasting solution for a complete, confident smile.
Dr. Roshnali showing a patients tooth structure and explaining how dental bridges can be used

Treatment Walkthrough

1. Initial Assessment

Your journey to a restored smile begins with a comprehensive assessment by our skilled dentist. We examine your oral health, including the condition of surrounding teeth and gums. If you have missing teeth and are a suitable candidate, a dental bridge might be recommended.

2. Preparation of Adjacent Teeth

The next step involves preparing the abutment teeth, which are the adjacent teeth on either side of the gap. These teeth will support the dental bridge. To create space for the bridge, a small amount of enamel is gently removed from these teeth. Impressions are then taken to ensure a precise fit.

3. Custom Bridge Fabrication

With the impressions, a custom dental bridge is meticulously crafted to match the shape, size, and color of your natural teeth. This process is performed by skilled technicians in a dental laboratory. Meanwhile, temporary bridges may be provided to maintain aesthetics and function.

4. Bridge Placement and Finalization

Once your custom bridge is ready, you return for the final placement. The bridge is carefully fitted and adjusted for optimal comfort and function. We will ensure a secure and precise attachment, creating a seamless restoration. With the bridge in place, you can enjoy improved aesthetics, restored functionality, and enhanced confidence in your smile.


1. Non Invasive Option

Dental bridges offer a non-invasive solution for replacing missing teeth. Unlike dental implants, they don't require surgical procedures involving the jawbone. This can be appealing for individuals seeking a less invasive treatment option.

2. Faster Treatment Completion

The process of getting dental bridges is often quicker compared to dental implants, which may involve multiple stages and healing periods. If time is a critical factor, bridges may be a more expedient option.

3. Suitability for Certain Cases

In situations where the adjacent teeth on either side of the gap require crowns or restoration, a dental bridge can be a suitable and integrated solution. It provides a comprehensive treatment approach for specific dental conditions.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Do Dental Bridges Last?

Dental bridges are designed to stand the test of time, usually lasting between 5 to 15 years. Think of them as reliable companions for your smile journey. With your commitment to regular dental check-ups and a little extra care, you can extend the lifespan of your bridge, ensuring years of confident smiles.

Is Getting a Dental Bridge Painful?

The process of getting a dental bridge is virtually painless. We use local anaesthesia or IV Sedation if neededto make sure you're completely comfortable during the procedure. Any post-procedure discomfort is typically short-lived, and we're here to guide you through a smooth and pain-free experience.

How Do I Care for My Dental Bridge?

Caring for your dental bridge is simpler than you might think! Just stick to your usual oral care routine—regular brushing, flossing, and a swish of mouthwash. We'll provide some handy tools to keep the nooks and crannies clean.


Dentures, also known as false teeth, are personalised removable dental appliances made from materials like acrylic (plastic), nylon, or metal. Crafted to fit comfortably over your gums, dentures offer an effective solution for replacing missing teeth. By eliminating gaps, dentures contribute to improved oral function and help prevent potential issues associated with tooth loss.
A model of a patients dentures

Treatment Walkthrough

1. Consultation & Design

Our journey begins with a personalised consultation where we discuss your unique needs and preferences. Together, we create a tailored design for your dentures, ensuring they match your facial features and complement your natural smile.

2. Impressions and Crafting 

Next, we take detailed impressions of your gums and remaining teeth. These impressions serve as the foundation for crafting your dentures. Our skilled dental team uses high-quality materials, such as acrylic or metal, to create comfortable and lifelike dentures that suit your individual requirements.

3. Fitting and Adjustments 

Once your denture is ready, you return for the final placement. The denture is carefully fitted and adjusted for optimal comfort and function. We will ensure a secure and precise attachment, creating a seamless restoration. With the denture in place, you can enjoy improved aesthetics, restored functionality, and enhanced confidence in your smile.


1. Restored Functionality

Dentures play a crucial role in restoring your ability to bite, chew, and speak comfortably. By replacing missing teeth, dentures ensure that you can enjoy a diverse range of foods and communicate with confidence, enhancing your overall quality of life.

2. Improved Aesthetics

Beyond functional benefits, dentures contribute to a natural and aesthetically pleasing appearance. Custom-designed to complement your facial features, dentures can help fill out your facial contours and provide you with a beautiful, confident smile.

3. Prevention of Oral Issues

Gaps caused by missing teeth can lead to various oral health problems, including shifting of remaining teeth and an increased risk of gum disease. Dentures help prevent these issues by filling the empty spaces, promoting better oral health and maintaining the alignment of your teeth.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Dentures?

Dentures are removable dental appliances designed to replace missing teeth. They come in various types, such as full and partial dentures, and are custom-made to fit comfortably in your mouth, restoring both function and appearance.

What are Dentures made of?

Dentures are typically made of acrylic (plastic), nylon, or metal. These materials provide durability and a natural look. The base, resembling gum tissue, supports the artificial teeth and ensures a secure fit.

What are implant-supported Dentures?

Implant-supported dentures are a more secure alternative to traditional dentures. Dental implants, surgically placed in the jawbone, anchor the dentures, offering increased stability and preventing slipping or shifting. This option provides enhanced comfort and confidence during daily activities.

Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment is an essential dental procedure. When a tooth is infected or damaged, this treatment intervenes to save it. Your dentist adeptly removes the affected areas, cleanses, and seals the tooth, ensuring its health. It's a dependable solution to alleviate pain, preserve your natural tooth, and restore your smile's well-being.
Dentist performing operation

Treatment Walkthrough

Root Canal Treatment is a proven method to save your compromised teeth. While the process may sound intricate and daunting, our experienced dentists ensure a comfortable and effective procedure, prioritising your well-being throughout. 
The process typically involves the following steps:

1. Diagnosis and Preparation

The journey begins with a comprehensive examination by your dentist. Through X-rays and clinical evaluation, they identify the extent of the damage or infection. Once confirmed, the dentist administers local anaesthesia to ensure a pain-free experience.

2. Pulp Removal and Cleaning

Now that the anaesthesia has kicked in, the dentist can carefully access the tooth's pulp chamber – the inner part housing nerves and blood vessels - without you feeling any pain or discomfort. The infected or damaged pulp is then skillfully removed.

3. Canal Disinfection and Sealing

After pulp removal, the canals within the tooth are meticulously cleaned and disinfected to eradicate any remaining bacteria. After cleaning, the dentist fills the emptied canals with a special material, usually a rubber-like substance called gutta-percha. This material acts like a protective seal, ensuring that the treated tooth remains secure and shielded from any potential issues in the future.

4. Restoration

To complete the procedure, the tooth undergoes restoration. This often involves placing a crown on the treated tooth. The crown not only reinforces the tooth's strength but also restores its natural appearance, ensuring a seamless blend with your existing teeth and a beautiful smile.


1. Immediate Relief

Root Canal Treatment effectively alleviates severe tooth pain resulting from infections, providing prompt and lasting relief. By removing the infected pulp inside the tooth, the procedure addresses the source of pain, allowing patients to experience immediate comfort.

2. Natural Appearance

Preserving the natural tooth structure is a key benefit of Root Canal Treatment. Unlike extraction, this procedure allows the tooth to remain intact, maintaining a more natural appearance and function. Restorative options such as crowns can be applied after the treatment to further enhance the tooth's appearance and strength.

3. Prevents Spread of Infection

Root Canal Treatment helps prevent the spread of infection to neighbouring teeth and surrounding areas. By thoroughly cleaning and sealing the canals, the procedure stops the progression of the infection, contributing to overall oral health. This preventive aspect is crucial in avoiding further complications and maintaining a healthy smile.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need Root Canal Treatment?

If you're dealing with intense tooth pain, heightened sensitivity, or notice swelling in your gums, Root Canal Treatment could be the solution. It's like giving your tooth a makeover! Your dentist will carefully evaluate your symptoms, conduct some tests, and if needed, recommend this treatment to restore your dental peace. Don't hesitate to reach out for a chat with us if you are considering Root Canal Treatment or if you are experiencing any of the above symptoms. We would love to hear from you!

How long does a Root Canal Treatment procedure last?

Root Canal Treatment is efficient and swift! Typically lasting between 90 minutes to 2 hours, the duration depends on factors like the tooth's complexity. Your dentist will work diligently to ensure a timely and effective procedure, minimising your time in the chair.

Is Root Canal Treatment painful?

Not at all! Advanced anaesthetics ensure you won't feel pain during the procedure. You might experience some discomfort post-treatment, but it's manageable with over-the-counter pain relievers. Your dentist will guide you on how to ease any temporary discomfort. Rest assured, the goal is to alleviate pain caused by infection, not induce it. Your comfort is a priority throughout the entire process.

If Root Canal Treatment fails, what will happen?

While it's understandable to have concerns about root canal treatment failures, it's important to note that the procedure has very high success rates. In the rare instance of a complication, such as persistent infection or discomfort, your dentist will thoroughly assess the situation. There are effective solutions available, including retreatment or, in some cases, a minor surgical procedure. It's crucial to remember that these situations are uncommon, and we are committed to ensuring your dental health with the most appropriate and successful interventions.